This package includes a simple command line utility qbc for running scripts.

The primary script is model-generate which can be used to generate the specific model classes.

The main program itself has one command (run) which can be used to run any scripts that are registered with it (the only core one being model-generate right now).

The --show-stacktrace flag will re-raise any errors (internal) that may have occurred.

$ qbc -h
usage: qbc [-h] [--show-stacktrace] {run} ...

positional arguments:
  {run}              command help
    run              run a script.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit

Running model-generate you can pass your user token on the command line or set the QB_USER_TOKEN environment variable.

$ qbc run model-generate -h
usage: qbc run model-generate [-h] -a [APP_URL] [-d [PKG_DIR]] [-t [USER_TOK]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a [APP_URL], --app-url [APP_URL]
                        the URL of the home page of the app
  -d [PKG_DIR], --pkg-dir [PKG_DIR]
                        the directory to put the package in, defaults to "models"
  -t [USER_TOK], --user-tok [USER_TOK]
                        the user token to authenticate - if not provided will read from
                        environment variable QB_USER_TOKEN